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Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions of purchase of goods

in the online shop "LabModel"


  1. The information posted on the website of the online shop "LabModel" contains the conditions for the offer of purchase of goods and is a public offer in accordance with Art. 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Acceptance of the Buyer is placing an order for the proposed product.

  2. In its activities, the online store is guided by the provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation of 02/07/1992 N 2300-1 "On Protection of Consumer Rights", the Rules for the sale of goods remotely, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of 27.09.2007 N 612 and otherwise current legislation of the Russian Federation.

  3. These Terms (conditions) may be changed by an online store without any special notice, the new edition of the Rules (conditions) comes into effect 5 days after it is posted on the Site, unless otherwise provided by the new edition of the Rules (conditions ), and does not apply to the legal relationship between the Buyer and the online store, which arose before the new edition of the Rules (conditions) entered into force. The current version of the Rules (conditions) is always on the page at


2.1. The “online store” is a part of a trade enterprise / trade organization or trade organization intended to provide the buyer via the Internet with the information necessary for making a purchase, including the range of goods, prices, seller, methods and conditions of payment and delivery, for receiving from buyers through the Internet messages about the intention to purchase goods, as well as to ensure the possibility of delivery of goods by the seller or his contractor to the address specified by the buyer or to the item samovy carriage

2.2 “Website of an online store” - owned by an online store and administered by them a set of logically related web pages containing data on products and the conditions of their purchase, at

2.3. "Product" - any real thing or electronic resource, presented in the catalog of the online store on its website.

2.4. “Buyer” is a person who either purchases or orders a product, intends to order or already uses the product for personal, family, household and other needs not related to business activities.

2.5. “Personal data” - information provided by the Federal Law of 27.07.2006 N 152-ФЗ “On Personal Data” and the Federal Law of 27.07.2006 N 149-ФЗ “On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection”, voluntarily and consciously provided The buyer when placing an order in the online store and necessary for the execution of the online store order Buyer. The online store, processing the Buyer's personal data as required, has taken sufficient organizational and technical measures to protect personal data from unlawful or accidental access to them or their destruction, alteration, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from other illegal actions.

2.6. “Personal Data Protection” - measures of the online store for the processing of personal data of the Buyer for the purpose of statistical processing, marketing research, increasing the efficiency of servicing each Buyer, providing exclusive information about special offers, news and other marketing materials.

2.7. “Order” - an electronic or oral application of the Buyer for the purchase of goods from the online store catalog, agreed by the Parties, accepted and executed by the operator of the online store.

2.8. “Agreement” means the purchase and sale agreement between the Buyer and the online store for the Buyer to acquire certain Goods at a certain price, with delivery within an agreed time frame under certain conditions of delivery or receipt.

2.9. “Services” is a set of measures of the online store in relation to the Buyer, carried out in order to fulfill the terms of the Contract, including, but not exhaustive, services such as delivering the Order to the Buyer, informing the Buyer about the Contract execution process, etc. When selling technically complex goods, the online store should inform the Buyer about the need to use qualified specialists for connecting, setting up and commissioning of technically complex products that cannot be commissioned according to technical requirements without the participation of relevant specialists.


3.1. Intellectual property protection.

3.1.1. All text information and graphic images posted on the site are property of the online store.

3.2. Digital catalogue. Description and price of goods.

3.2.1. The availability of the Products represented in the online store catalog is determined by the individual status of the Goods displayed in the genre catalog, as well as on the Product card with a detailed description of its characteristics.

3.2.2. All information about the Product, presented on the website, is for informational purposes only, is not an advertisement and cannot fully convey all the information about the properties and characteristics of the Product.

3.2.3. Photos, schemes, drawings, video images of samples of the Goods in the catalog are the property of the online store or its contractors. Each image of the sample is accompanied by textual information about the product. The quality of the settings and the features of the Buyer's computer screen may distort the color gamut of the presented Goods. The buyer has the right to contact the online store support service for additional information about the Product of interest. At the request of the Buyer, the online store manager is obliged to provide (by phone or e-mail) other information that is necessary and sufficient, from the point of view of the Buyer, for him to make a decision on the purchase of the Goods.

3.2.4. This product may have slight differences from the image presented on the site, in color, shape, size or other parameters. Any characteristics of the Products may be changed by the manufacturer of the Goods without prior notice. In the cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the product has all the necessary certificates and fully complies with the norms and requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.2.5. If the Buyer has any questions regarding the properties and characteristics of the Goods, before creating the Order, the Buyer should contact the online store for advice.

3.3. Information online store about the product.

3.3.1. The site provides information on the main consumer properties of the Product, the address (location) of the seller, the place of manufacture of the product, the full company name (name) of the seller (manufacturer), the price and conditions for purchasing the product, its delivery, service life, the expiration date and the warranty period, the procedure for payment for the goods, as well as the period during which the offer to enter into the Agreement is valid.

3.4. At the time of delivery of the goods to the Buyer, he is additionally provided in writing with the following information about the Goods:

3.4.1. the name of the technical regulation or other procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation and indicating the mandatory confirmation of conformity of the goods;

3.4.2. price in rubles and conditions for the purchase of goods (works, services), including when paying for goods (works, services) after a certain time after they have been transferred (completed, rendered) to the Buyer, the full amount payable by the Buyer and the repayment schedule of this amount;

3.4.3. warranty period, if installed;

3.4.4. rules and conditions for the effective and safe use of goods (works, services);

3.4.5. information on the energy efficiency of goods in respect of which the requirement for the availability of such information is determined in accordance with the legislation on energy saving and on improving energy efficiency;

3.4.6. the service life or the shelf life of the goods (work) established in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation dated 07.02.1992 N 2300-1 "On Protection of Consumer Rights", as well as information about the necessary actions of the Buyer after these deadlines and the possible consequences of failure if the goods (work) after the expiration of the specified periods represent a danger to the life, health and property of the Buyer or become unsuitable for use for their intended purpose;

3.4.7. the address (location), company name (name) of the manufacturer (performer, seller), authorized organization or authorized individual entrepreneur, importer;

3.4.8. information on the mandatory confirmation of conformity of goods (works, services) specified in clause 4 of Art. 7 of the Law of the Russian Federation of 07.02.1992 N 2300-1 "On Protection of Consumer Rights";

3.4.9. information about the rules for the sale of goods (works, services);

3.4.10. an indication of the specific person who will perform the work (to provide the service), and information about him, if it matters, based on the nature of the work (service);

3.4.11. indication of the use of phonograms in the provision of entertainment services by performers of musical works.

3.5. If the goods purchased by the Buyer were in use or the deficiency (s) was eliminated, the Buyer should be provided with information about this.

3.6. Responsibility of the Parties for the accuracy of the information.

3.6.1. Each Party is responsible for the inaccuracy of the information it provides.

3.6.2. The online store is not responsible for the accuracy and correctness of the information provided by the Buyer when registering on the Site and when creating an Order.

3.6.3. To place an order, the Buyer must provide valid data necessary to fulfill the Order. Responsibility for the validity and / or relevance of the data provided, as well as for incorrect data provided by the Buyer and / or the representative of the Buyer, shall be borne by the Buyer.

3.7. By these Terms, the Buyer is notified that the sale of the Goods in the online store is carried out in real time (around the clock) and implies a change in the price and its availability without prior notice. In this connection, the Goods are reserved by the Buyer only after the Order has been processed by the online store's bundling service.

3.8. The moment of the conclusion of the Agreement - in terms of the obligations of the online store for the transfer of a particular Product - from the moment of receipt of the electronic or verbal message of the Buyer about his order, and in the case of sale on a prepaid basis - from the moment of receipt of the advance payment;

- in terms of the Buyer's obligations to create conditions for the receipt and inspection of the Goods - from the moment the online store receives an electronic or oral message from the Buyer about the order of the Goods;

- in terms of the obligations of the online store to create the conditions for receiving the Buyer's payment for the Goods - no later than the moment when the Buyer accepts the Goods;

- in terms of payment for the Goods by the Buyer - simultaneously with the receipt of the Goods.

3.9. The contract is finally concluded in proper form from the moment the online store is issued to the Buyer of a cash or sales receipt or other document confirming payment for the Goods.

3.10. Any other time or other conditions for entering into the Agreement may be specifically provided for by law or by the Agreement itself (including the terms of standard forms to which the Buyer joins).

3.11. Limitation of liability of an online store for the product and its use.

3.11.1. Violation by the Buyer of the established rules for using the Goods exempts the online store from liability.

3.11.2. The online store is exempt from liability for failure to fulfill obligations or for improper fulfillment of obligations, if it proves that failure to fulfill obligations or their improper performance occurred due to force majeure, as well as on other grounds provided by law.

3.11.3. The online store is exempt from liability for damage caused to the life, health or property of the Buyer as a result of constructive, manufacturing, prescription or other deficiencies of the Goods, if it proves that the damage was caused due to the Buyer's violation of the established rules for using, storing or transporting the goods (work, service).

3.12. Order Goods.

3.12.1. Order of the Goods can be sent by the Buyer in the following ways:

- self-placement of goods in the "basket", filling out the order form;

- call the operator of the online store's call center with indication of the Goods and the preferred conditions for its purchase.

3.12.2. The online store informs the Buyer that the Buyer’s Order and obligations of the online store arise at the time the Buyer agrees on the composition of the Order, its cost and delivery method with the online store’s call center manager. Ordering occurs only after confirmation of the application for the Goods and the correctness of the Buyer's Personal Data.

3.12.3 In the event of a change in the composition of the Order when it is processed by the services of the online store, its re-formation is possible only after agreement with the Buyer on its final configuration.

3.13. Cases of removal of the goods by the online store from the agreed order.

3.13.1. The online store informs the Buyer about the absence of a suitable Product in it, which became clear when the Order was fully assembled and the Product was pre-tested, and the defective Product found by the Internet shop itself could not be replaced with a quality one within a reasonable time.

3.13.2. The partner of the online store, the supplier of the Goods, is in the process of liquidation or in bankruptcy proceedings, and there is a risk of improper execution of the delivery.

3.13.3. Product pre-order is not on sale. The release of goods into the implementation is delayed indefinitely or canceled by the manufacturer.

3.13.4. Legal restrictions on the free sale of the ordered goods.

3.14. Delivery or receipt of the goods.

3.14.1. The method of delivery or receipt of the goods the parties agree upon ordering. At least 24 hours prior to delivery to the Buyer or to the point of issue, the Parties are entitled to renegotiate the method of delivery or receipt.

3.14.2. The online store has the right to deliver the goods with the involvement of third parties, while remaining responsible for the proper fulfillment of its obligations.

3.14.3. Methods of delivery of goods are listed on the site.

3.14.4. Shipping cost is calculated individually (based on the size, region, form of payment and delivery method). The total cost of delivery of the Order is agreed with the Buyer by means of a telephone call to the manager of the online store at the time of placing the Order.

3.14.5. The online store will make every possible effort to deliver the Goods to the Buyer as quickly as possible, taking into account the chosen delivery method.

3.14.6. If the delivery of the Order is carried out by the Post of Russia, the responsibility for its safety and timing of passage through the territory of the Russian Federation from the moment of sending the item to the post office is borne by the Post of Russia. Consideration of claims for the search of postal items is made in accordance with the rules of the Russian Post.

3.14.7. If the delivery of the Order was made on time, but the Order was not transferred to the Buyer due to his fault, the subsequent delivery is made at the new time agreed with the seller, after the Buyer again pays for the cost of services for the delivery of the Goods.

3.14.8. If the Buyer purchased a free delivery ticket for one year, but did not purchase two or more orders with free shipping, his subscription will be canceled.

3.15. Receiving Order.

3.15.1. When choosing a courier delivery method, as well as upon receipt at the point of issue of the Goods, the Buyer has the opportunity, at the time of the transfer of the Goods, to check its quality and equipment, to familiarize itself with the rules for returning the Goods.

3.15.2. If any violations are detected, the Buyer has the right to refuse the Order or its part containing the Goods of inadequate quality, while paying in proportion to the Goods remaining in the Order and services for its delivery.

3.15.3. Upon delivery, the Order is handed directly to the Buyer or to the person specified as the Recipient of the Order. If it is impossible to receive an Order issued in cash, by the Buyer or by the person indicated as the Recipient of the Order, the Order may be handed to a person who is ready to provide information about the Order (Order number and / or Full Name of the Recipient), as well as pay the cost Order in full.

3.15.4. Upon delivery of a prepaid Order, the Courier has the right to demand identification documents of the recipient in order to prevent fraud. At the same time, the online store guarantees Confidentiality and protection of the Personal Information of the recipient.

3.15.5. If the delivery of the Order is made within the stipulated time, but the Courier could not transfer the Goods to the Buyer due to the recipient’s fault, the subsequent delivery is made within the new terms agreed with the seller. Re-delivery of the Goods is possible only after confirmation of the Buyer's re-payment of the shipping cost.

3.15.6. When transferring the Goods, the Buyer checks the Order’s packaging and the quality of the Goods, after which the second copy of the Order Form will set the date and signature, thereby confirming that there are no complaints about the quality, configuration and cost of the Goods.

3.15.7. In the case of delivery of the goods to the buyer with the involvement of third parties upon receipt of the goods, the buyer must check the completeness of the order before its payment. The fact of payment of the Order means the absence of claims for the quality, configuration and cost of the Goods.

3.15.8. Upon receipt of the order at the post office, the Buyer must ensure the integrity of the outer packaging of the parcel and the absence of mechanical damage to it. If the above defects are detected, it is necessary, together with the postal employee, to draw up an act of damage and perform an autopsy and inspection of the Goods, and then fix all violations in the Act. After verification, the Buyer has the right to redeem the parcel or refuse it.

3.15.9. When choosing to deliver the Order using the Russian Post, the Buyer may cancel the Order (refuse the Goods) until it is transferred to the post office by the online store. After that, cancellation of the Order is not possible. In the case of choosing the delivery method using the Russian Post, the Order returned to the online store due to the Buyer's fault is sent to the Buyer again only after agreeing on additional payment for the cost of delivery services for the returned Goods and the cost of returning them to the Buyer.

3.16. Refusal of the goods, return of the goods.

3.16.1. The Buyer has the right to refuse the Goods at any time prior to its transfer, and after the transfer of the Goods - within seven days.

3.16.2. In the event that information on the procedure and deadlines for the return of goods of good quality was not provided in writing at the time of delivery of the Goods, the Buyer has the right to refuse the Goods within three months from the date of transfer of the Goods.

3.16.3. Return of goods of good quality is possible if their presentation, consumer properties, as well as a document confirming the fact and conditions for the purchase of the specified goods are preserved. The fact that the Buyer does not have a document confirming the fact and conditions of the purchase of the Goods does not preclude him from invoking other evidence of the purchase of the Goods in this online store.

3.16.4. The Buyer shall not have the right to refuse the Goods of good quality, having individually-defined properties, if the specified Goods can be used only by the Buyer acquiring it.

3.16.5. If the Buyer rejects the goods, the online store must return to him the sum of money paid by the Buyer under the contract, excluding the seller’s expenses for delivery of the returned goods from the Buyer, no later than ten days from the date of the corresponding claim by the Buyer.

3.17. Return of payment for the Goods.

3.17.1. Ways:

- cash upon return of the Goods at the location of the seller;

- mail transfer;

- transfer to the bank or other account of the Buyer specified in the Application of the Buyer;

- to the phone number account.

3.18. Other conditions.

3.18.1. The relationship between the buyer and the online store is subject to the laws of the Russian Federation.

3.19. In case of any questions and complaints on the part of the Buyer, he should contact the Online Store Customer Service Department by phone indicated on the Website. All disputes arising will be tried by the parties to resolve through negotiations, if no agreement is reached, the dispute may be referred to the court in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

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